Tyler Longden Leukemia Trust

Tyler is a two year old boy recently diagnosed with Leaukemia. Our dream with the help of family, friends and even you is to take him on a life changing trip to Disney. He is truly an inspirational child who is not only brave but resiliant. You never hear him complain when he has to take his medicine, have needles and be sent to theatre regularly having painful procedures and dealing with a lot of side effects. We have tried to include information on this website so people can begin to understand the true battle of what he faces every single day.
Not only him but his older sister Brooke who is 4 years old, who adores and loves her brother so much has had her life turned upside down through no fault of her own.
We can not put into words just how much it means to us that you have taken the time to visit this site and read about Tyler's story. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for any help or time you can give us. We are truly thankful to all the people around us who are supporting us and helping us to achieve this dream.

We just wanted to say thank you again. Any help we receive is truly amazing and we cant put into words how much it means to have so many people being supportive towards Tyler. He may have a long & hard battle ahead of him but to have so many wonderful people around him makes it a tiny bit easier thank you.
We have also added a page at the end for everyone to leave their messages for Tyler to show the support he has when he is older.